Ans sur le marché

Promotions et bonus


Promotions actuelles
Promotions passées
Jour de trading Risk-Free
"Day of risk-free trading" provides all clients of GC Option trading on Binary accounts with a whole day of risk-free trading!

1 General Terms and Conditions
1.1 The promotion is valid indefinitely. It will be announced if the promotion should discontinue.
1.2 The promotion is organized by GC Option.
1.3 The organizer has the right to change conditions of the promotion at any time.
1.4 The organizer has the right to cancel the promotion at any time.
2 Participants
2.1 All clients of GC Option are able to take part in the promotion.
2.2 In order to participate in the promotion one needs to verify his or her mobile phone number and provide the necessary documentation for identity verification.
2.3 Trading accounts that are eligible to participate in the promotion: Real Binary, Real Binary Pro.
2.4 During one calendar month the client can receive the full compensation of the loss taken during one whole day of trading. To receive the compensation, the client must deposit to Binary account at least once during this month. The client can choose any trading day for loss compensation. However, the request cannot be filed later than the 31st day from the moment of the loss taken. The whole amount will be granted to his/her account as a bonus.
2.5 The maximum amount of the bonuses granted cannot exceed $10 000.
2.6 Employees of GC Option and their relatives cannot participate in the promotion.
2.7 Any participant must adhere to the rules and read them carefully. Ignorance of the rules cannot serve as an argument when submitting a claim.
2.8 The account participating in the promotion cannot claim other bonuses or participate in other promotions.
3 Bonus request, receipt of the bonus and bonus expiry
3.1 To receive the bonus funds, choose the account and the date the loss will be compensated for in the "Day of risk-free trading" field in "Bonuses" section of your Personal account.
In order to receive the bonus, the participant must apply for it through the Personal account. On the Bonuses and Promotions page, the client needs to choose the trading account and press “Get the bonus” button.
3.2 The bonus will be granted right after the request is submitted.
3.3 The bonus funds will remain on the account for 6 months only.
3.4 Once the 6-month period is over, the bonus funds will be deducted from the account if the bonus requirements are not fulfilled.
3.5 After the bonus is deposited all funds on the client’s account are divided into 2 parts: client’s personal funds (funds on the account before the bonus was granted) and bonus funds (all active bonuses and the profit gained using the bonus funds). The proportion between these two parts will be used for further calculations and is updated after each deposit/withdrawal.
3.6 When profit is made, the amount is distributed between the client’s personal funds and bonus funds proportionally.
3.7 If a trade(s) result(s) in a loss of funds, the loss in proportional to client's personal funds and the bonus funds
3.8 Before the bonus requirements are fulfilled, the client’s personal funds which were not used to receive the bonus remain free for withdrawal at any time, as well as the part of the profit, made using the mentioned funds.
3.9 Bonus funds, as well as the funds deposited by the client, will be available for withdrawal once the collective trading volume exceeds the bonus amount in 40 times.
3.10 The client has the right to cancel the bonus at any time. In this case, the whole bonus amount is deducted from the account as well as the profit received using the bonus funds. The remaining personal funds of the client will be available for withdrawal.
3.11 If the account balance is 10 USD or 10% from the active bonus funds, all bonuses and the profit made using the bonus funds are deducted from the account.
3.12 Please mind that to prevent any fraudulent activity or upon detecting such activity, the Company holds the right to deduct all bonus funds from a client’s account without any prior notice.
3.13 If funds are withdrawn from the trading account, the amount equal to the withdrawn amount will be deducted from the bonus funds.
3.14 Internal transfers, commissions, and other non-trading transactions are considered to be a withdrawal.
3.15 The Company can deny bonus as well as deduct existing bonus with the profit made using the bonus funds at any time without prior notice and any comment.
3.16 On the trading account the bonus is granted to it is prohibited to trade using an anonymous proxy server. Upon detection of more than 5 (five) connections to the account from different IP addresses belonging to different regions/countries, the account can be disqualified and the bonus canceled. If any fraudulent activity and attempt to abuse the bonus scheme as well as falsification of the documents provided are detected, such account can be disqualified and the client can be denied service.
3.17 Partners cannot receive a commission for the client trading using the bonus funds.
3.18 Bonus funds belong to the Organizer.
4 Making the bonus withdrawable
4.1 The bonus funds become withdrawable once the total trading volume exceeds the amount of the bonus funds in 40 times.
4.2 To claim the bonus funds the participant should create a request. The headline of the request should include: “Day of risk-free trading” – make my bonus withdrawable, trading account number, last name, first name). The request can be sent via email or Personal account.
5 Claims
5.1 All claims regarding the promotions can be sent to [email protected].
5.2 All claims should include Full name, the address, account number and a thorough description of the issue.

Recevoir un bonus
IB contest "Big Team"
Participate to increase your partner commission! - Contest period: 1st of February — 28th of February 2018. - All verified web partners can participate in the contest. - Increase your current commission by up to +20%. - Email at [email protected] to register for the contest.

The rules of the “Big team” contest

1. General Terms and Conditions

1.1. Grand Capital Ltd. is the sole organizer of the ”Big team” promotion (hereinafter “The contest”).

1.2 The contest period: 1st of February 2018 — 28th of February 2018.

1.3. Everyone who wishes and complies with the contest requirements can take part in the contest.

1.4. The staff of Grand Capital Ltd. and members of their families are not allowed to participate in the contest.

1.5. All participants of the contest are to read these rules attentively and follow them. Ignorance of the contest rules can’t serve as an argument when presenting a claim.

1.6. The contest is considered to have successfully taken place if the following condition is fulfilled: no fewer than 10 participants for each nomination should attract at least 2 new clients during the period since 1st till 28th of February.

1.7. The company has the right to change the terms and conditions of the contest at any time.

1.8. The company has the right to revise the results and to disqualify the participant if any rule of the contest is broken.

2. Participation in the contest

2.1. Only partners who went through verification procedure can participate in the contest.

2.2. To participate in the contest a partner must send a letter of registration via email [email protected]. The letter should contain client’s full name and the number of his/her partner account.

2.3. Personal data provided by the participant upon registration of an account has to match the Documents uploaded in the Personal Cabinet, in accordance with the Regulation.

2.3. Contest registration is open during the whole period of contest duration – from 10 AM (GMT+3) 01.02.2018 till 10 PM (GMT +3) 28.02.2018

2.5. Those who will go through verification procedure and create a partner account during the period of contest duration can participate in the contest.

2.6. After a successful contest registration procedure, participant’s account number is transferred to the company’s list of contest participants.

2.7. To participate in the contest and to be considered for the award a participant should attract at least 2 new active clients.

2.8. It is prohibited to register multiple accounts and to use different accounts from same IP address.

3. Dates of the contest

3.1. Contest duration is 4 weeks.

3.2. The contest starts on 01.02.2018 at 10 AM (GMT+3). The contest ends 28.02.2018 at 10 PM (GMT +3).

4. Contest results

4.1. Only clients who meet the following requirements are counted as new active clients:

4.1.1. Clients who went through verification procedure.

4.1.2. Clients who were registered during the period of contest duration or have not been active more than 90 days before the contest.

4.1.3. Clients should make at least one trade during the contest. The trade should last more than 5 minutes.

4.1.4. Only clients with Option, Standard, ECN accounts are counted.

4.1.5. Clients should at one time make a deposit of at least $100 on accounts Standard and Options and of at least $500 on an ECN account in the period of contest duration.

4.2. The winners will be proclaimed in two nominations:

4.2.1. ‘Quick Start’ – the maximum of new active clients with deposits of $100 or more on accounts Standard and Options by the end of February.

4.2.2. ‘Step Forward’ – the maximum of new active clients with deposits of $500 or more on accounts ECN by the end of February.

4.3. The three contestants in each nomination with the maximum of new active clients will be proclaimed the winners.

4.4 A special prize is awarded in each nomination for the largest deposit volume of all clients attracted by the partner. For that all new active clients in each nomination are considered, disregarding the minimum deposit amount.

4.5 The winners receive prizes depending on the contest nomination.

4.5.1. In the ‘Quick Start’ nomination:

1st place – additional 15% to the partner bonus during the period of 3 months (February, March April) and an announcement in Grand Capital news column and special email newsletters for our clients during 2 months, no more than twice.

2nd place – additional 10% to the partner bonus during the period of 3 months (February, March April) and an announcement in Grand Capital news column and special email newsletters for our clients during 1 months, no more than once.

3rd place – additional 5% to the partner bonus during the period of 3 months (February, March April).

Special prize – additional 5% to the partner bonus during the period of 3 months (February, March April).

4.5.2. In the ‘Step Forward’ nomination:

1st place – additional 20% to the partner bonus during the period of 3 months (February, March April) and an announcement in Grand Capital news column and special email newsletters for our clients during 2 months, no more than twice.

2nd place – additional 15% to the partner bonus during the period of 3 months (February, March April) and an announcement in Grand Capital news column and special email newsletters for our clients during 1 months, no more than once.

3rd place – additional 10% to the partner bonus during the period of 3 months (February, March April).

Special prize – additional 10% to the partner bonus during the period of 3 months (February, March April).

5. Additional conditions

5.1. Administration of the contest has the right to revise the results and disqualify any participant(s) without noticing him/her if any rule of the contest is broken.

5.2. The company holds the right to use information about winners for advertising and marketing purposes in any mass media without the participants’ consent.

5.3. Final results of the contest will be announced in the period of 1st to 5th March 2018.

5.4 The prize amount will be granted after the partner commission is paid. The prize funds will be gradually deposited during three months before the 15th of each month.

Prendre part
Bonus de Bienvenue $500
Pour la première fois! Le bonus sans dépôt à des fois plus qu'est proposé par d'autres brokers.
- $500 pour 7 jours pour le commerce reél sur le marché;
- On ne demande pas le dépôt de départ;
- Le bénéfice déduit.

1. Les généralités
1.1 Action agit perpétuellement. La fin de l'action sera annoncé.
1.2 Organisateur de l'action est la compagnie Grand Capital.
1.3 Organisateur a le droit changer les conditions de l'action, ainsi que la liste et les caractéristiques des bonus.
1.4 Organisateur peut annuler l'action à n'importe quel temps.
2. Les participants
2.1 Tous les clients de la compagnie, ainsi que ceux qui ouvrira le compte pendant la tenue de l'action peuvent devenir participants de l'action.
2.2 Participer à l'action peuvent seulement les utilisateurs vérifiés. Pour la vérification il est nécessaire d'accorder le passeport scanné du participant, l'ayant chargé dans le cabinet Personnel, ainsi que vérifier le portable du participant. L'organisateur retient le droit dans l'exigence chez le participant de l'action des documents supplémentaires pour l'identification de la personnalité et l'adresse de sa résidence.
2.3 Aspects des comptes commerciaux participant à l'action: le compte Welcome bonus $500 avec les conditions commerciales analogues au compte Standard.
2.4 Sur le compte participant à l'action, l'épaule de crédit ne peut pas excéder 1:100.
2.5 à l'action ne peuvent pas participer les collaborateurs de la compagnie-organisateur, leurs parents.
2.6 Participant de l'action est engagé à se guider par les règles données, qui doivent être attentivement lues par lui. L'ignorance des règles de l'action ne peut pas servir de l'argument à la présentation de la prétention.
2.7 Sur le compte participant à l'action, ne se répandent pas les autres actions de la compagnie.
2.8 Participant de l'action peut être seulement la personne physique.
2.9 Introductions, la conclusion et la traduction intérieure sur le compte Bonus sont impossibles.
3. La création de la demande
3.1 Pour la connexion du bonus il est nécessaire de donner dans le cabinet Personnel la demande de participation à l'action. À la page de l'Action et les bonus il est nécessaire d'appuyer sur le bouton "Recevoir le bonus" et suivre les instructions.
4. La réception du bonus
4.1 Bonus est calculé sur le compte automatiquement à l'exécution de toutes les conditions du règlement.
4.2 Bonus se présente juste un fois. La réception réitérée du bonus est impossible.
4.3 Bonus va sur le compte pour 7 jours.
4.4 Après cette période du temps, les positions ouvertes se ferment.
4.5 Après annulation 500 dollars des moyens du bonus pour le compte commercial, le benefice reçu seulement pour 7 jours reste et il sera transformé en compte réel comme "Standard" ou "Micro".
4.5.1 Type du compte dépend de la somme du Profit.
4.5.2 Profit 100$ et plus transforme à compte du type "Standard".
4.5.3 Profit moins que 100$ transforme à compte du type "Micro".
4.6 épaule du crédit sur le compte ne peut pas excéder 1:100.
4.7 Le compte ne peut pas participer au service de l'investissement, devenir le directeur ou l'investisseur.
4.8 Pour l'activation du compte réel il est nécessaire de produire l'enrichissement du compte sur la somme égal ou plus grand du profit reçu sur le compte Bonus, mais la somme ne doit pas être moins que somme minimale nécessaire au premier enrichissement du compte.
4.9 En l'absence de l'enrichissement du compte votre pofit est annulé.
4.10 Profit, reçu sur le compte Bonus, est accessible pour la conclusion après l'accomplissement du volume des opérations commerciales sur le compte réel du compte comme 1 lot (100 lots sur le compte Micro) sur $5 du profit.
4.10.1 Dans les comptes on prend en considération les instruments commerciaux comme FOREX MAJORS, FOREX EXT 1, FOREX EXT 2
4.11 Pour le transfert de fond Bonus à la propriété il est nécessaire de faire la demande. Dans le message indiquez le sujet «$500 - le bonus sans dépôt » – le transfert du bonus à la propriété », le numéro du compte commercial, le nom, le prenom. On fait la demande en forme libre selon la poste électronique ou dans le cabinet personnel.
4.12 Conclusion Partielle du profit est impossible.
4.13 Réception du bonus et/ou le commerce par le fond du Bonus sur les comptes Bonus différent d'une IP adresse est interdite.
4.14 Il est interdit de commercer dans le serveur proxy anonyme sur le compte commercial dont le bonus nommé selon l’action. Le compte peut être disqualifié du bonus calculé à la détection plus de cinq connexions au compte de différentes IP adresses, appartenants aux différentes régions de la Russie et/ou aux autres pays, le compte peut être disqualifié du bonus calculé. Le compte peut être disqualifié du bonus calculé, et on peut refuser au client du service à сause de l'apparition n'importe quels soupçons des abus de l'action, la fraude, ainsi qu'à la révélation du faux ou la contrefaçon des documents accordés par le participant de l'action.
4.15 Le commerce incompatible sur le fond du Bonus est interdit. La compagnie retient le droit d'annuler le bonus et la partie du bénéfice reçu pendant le commerce du compte du rapport proportionnel des moyens personnels du client vers profit, reçu sur le compte Bonus, en cas de la violation du point des règles suivant.
4.16 La commission partenaires pour le commerce avec $500 Bonus, ne calcule pas.
4.17 Le fond du Bonus sont la propriété de la compagnie.
4.18 Tout d’abord, dans le commerce on utilise les fonds du client.
4.19 Le bénéfice reçu dans le compte Bonus s’annule en avance pendant le retrait/le transfert interne de fonds du compte jusqu’a les achèvement des opérations commerciales complete (le volume donné à 4.10).
5. Les revendications.
5.1 Les revendications de l’action peuvent director sur emai: [email protected]
5.2 Toutes les revendications doivent contenir le nom, le prénom, l’adresse actuel du participant, numéro du compte et la description de la revendication.

Ударному труду в праздники - тройная награда: увеличение депозита пропорционально каждому пополнению, страховка от Margin Call, возможность перевода в собственность!

1. Сроки проведения акции - с 23 апреля по 31 мая 2014 года.
2. Участвовать в акции могут только верифицированные пользователи. Для верификации необходимо предоставить скан паспорта, загрузив его в Личном кабинете, а также верифицировать мобильный телефон участника. Организатор оставляет за собой право в требовании у участника акции дополнительных документов для идентификации личности и адреса его проживания.
3. Виды торговых счетов участвующих в акции: Micro, Standart, Swapfree.
4. На счете, участвующем в акции, кредитное плечо не может превышать 1:100.
5. Для получения бонуса необходимо зарегистрировать счет и подать запрос в Личном кабинете в течение срока проведения акции.
6. Для получения бонуса необходимо пополнить торговый счет на сумму:
- до 999 USD (сумма бонуса - 25%);
- от 1 000 до 4 999 USD (50%);
- от 5 000 до 19 999 USD (75%);
- от 20 000 USD и выше (100%).
7. Не учитываются в акции в качестве пополнения:
- пополнения, произведенные до момента подключения акции;
- переводы средств на счет, участвующий в акции, с других счетов клиента;
- любые вознаграждения (бонусы) и компенсации, предоставленные компанией;
- операции возврата средств на счет в результате отмены заявки на снятие.
8. На счет, участвующий в акции, не распространяются другие акции компании. Если на счете, участвующем в акции, уже есть бонус любой другой акции компании, бонус акции «Майский бонус» может быть начислен после аннулирования всех предыдущих бонусов по заявке клиента и при условии выполнения всех условий настоящей акции.
9. При выводе средств на торговом счете клиента должен сохраняться остаток собственных средств, равный или больший суммы необходимых для зачисления бонуса. В противном случае бонусные средства списываются пропорционально оставшейся сумме собственных средств на счете.
10. В качестве вывода средств в акции учитываются любые заявки на снятие средств и переводы на другие счета.
11. Бонусные средства являются не снимаемым остатком и не могут быть выведены с торгового счета. При этом прибылью, полученной в результате совершения торговых операций с использованием этих средств, клиент может распоряжаться без ограничений. Если профит по открытым позициям опускается ниже капитала владельца счета, бонус списывается, а счет блокируется.
12. При активной торговле бонусные средства постепенно переходят в собственность клиента. Для перевода 1$ в собственность клиенту необходимо совершить торговые сделки, объемом 5 полных лотов (500 лотов для счетов типа Micro). Минимальная заявка на перевод бонуса в собственность - 50 USD. Заявка подается в свободной форме через Личный кабинет.
13. Бонус списывается со счета в полном объеме после окончания срока действия данной акции.
14. Компания оставляет за собой право изменить условия и срок действия акции, а также отказать в зачислении бонуса или выплате прибыли, полученной с использованием бонусных средств, если будет выявлено злоупотребление условиями акции.

We undertake a payment systems comission for deposit!

1. General terms
1.1. Duration of the promotion: from December 15, 2014 to January 15, 2015.
1.2. The company-organizer is GrandCapital.
1.3. The Company reserves the right to change the promotional conditions or refuse to receive a bonus.
2. Participants
2.1. Any company’s client can take a part in this promotion.
2.2. Only verified users can participate in the promotion. For verification, you should download the scam of your passport to Private Office. You should also verify your mobile number. The organizer reserves the right to require additional documents for identification.
2.3. Participant who deposits during promotion doesn’t pay the payment system commission.
2.4. Offer is valid only at the fact of trading operations during promotion.
3. Claims
3.1. If you have any claim to promotion please write to us: [email protected]

Prendre part
Christmas non-deposit bonus $15 for Micro accounts

1 General terms

1.1 Duration of the promotion: from December 16, 2014 to February 16, 2015.
1.2 The company-organizer is Grand Capital.
1.3 The Company reserves the right to change the promotional conditions or refuse to receive a bonus.
1.4. The Company reserves the right to cancel bonus.

2 Participants
2.1 To participate you should register Private Office during the promotion.
2.2 Only verified users can participate in the promotion. For verification, you should download the scam of your passport to Private Office. You should also verify your mobile number. The organizer reserves the right to require additional documents for identification.
2.3 Types of accounts involved in the promotion: Micro
2.4 Your account’s leverage can’t exceed 1:100.
2.5. The employees of the Company and their families can’t participate in the promotion.
2.6 The participant should read this terms carefully and follow this rules. Ignorance of rules isn’t reason when filing a claim.
2.7. Other promotions of the Company aren’t applied to the account participating in this promotion.
2.8. If any other bonus is already available on the account then “Non-deposit bonus $15” may be granted after the cancellation of all other bonuses.

3 Application for the bonus
3.1 To receive the bonus you should apply for participation in Private Office during the terms of the offer (just click button "Get the bonus" on page "Promotions and bonuses" and follow the instructions)

4 Getting the bonus
4.1 Bonus goes to the account automatically in case of the compliance with all conditions of this order.
4.2 Profit from bonus trading is available for the cash out anytime.
4.3 Bonus funds are credited for a 6 months.
4.3.1 Then the bonus is deducted and the commission for the first withdrawal is deducted too (see para. 4.5).
4.4 On the trading account with the bonus is prohibited to trade through anonymous proxy server. If the account with the bonus will connect with more than 5 different IP-addresses, the bonus will be canceled.
4.5 On the bonus account, commission for first withdrawal is $15 and internal transfer is equivalent to the withdrawal. Commission can’t be deducted from the bonus funds.
4.6 Affiliate commission isn’t charged for trading on the $15 bonus.
4.7 Bonus funds are the Company’s property.

5. The claims
5.1 Claims for the shares may be directed to the email: [email protected].
5.2 All claims should include the participant’s name and address, account number and detailed description of the claim.

Get daily bonus on the available funds and make it property in the absence of withdrawals during promotion.

1 Duration of the promotion: from December 16, 2014 to January 31, 2015.
2. The company-organizer is GrandCapital.
3. The Company reserves the right to change the promotional conditions or refuse to receive a bonus.
4. Only verified users can participate in the promotion. For verification, you should download the scam of your passport to Private Office. You should also verify your mobile number. The organizer reserves the right to require additional documents for identification.
5. Bonus goes to account daily on the available funds in the absence of withdrawal during promotion on the basis of the index to the calculation of 20% per annum.
6. To get bonus funds in the property client should make the trading operations calculating of $1 for 1 lot.
7. Bonus funds will be transfer in the property automatically at the end of the calendar month.
8. If trading volume is not enough to the transferring in the property then bonus will be annulated.
9. Trading through anonymous proxy server is prohibited.
10. If you have any claim to promotion please write to us: [email protected]

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Invite un ami - obtiens une récompense
You have already registered with Grand Capital and want to earn more? Send invitations to your friends to trade with us and we will pay you for every friend that sings up!

1. General terms and conditions
1.1 The promotion is not limited in time.
1.2 Grand Capital is the sole organizer
1.3 The organizer is able to change the conditions and the list of the bonuses
1.4 The promotion can be terminated at any time. In this case, a proper announcement will be made.

2. Participants
2.1 Both new and existing clients of Grand Capital, Ltd. can participate in the promotion.
2.2 To participate in the promotion, a client should verify his/her mobile phone and provide necessary documents to the organizer.

3. Promotion
3.1 In order to participate, go to your Private office and click "refer to a friend" button.
3.2 In the pop-up window, fill in the required fields (your friend's name and his/her email).
3.3 Create (or choose) a partner's account - it is where your commission will be deposited to.
3.4 If your friend registers in a 30-day period after the invitation had been sent, you will be getting a certain amount from his/her profitable trades, which is stated in the Agreement.
3.5 The number of friends invited to register with Grand Capital in one day cannot exceed 20 (twenty).

4. Claims
4.1 You can send all the inquiries/submit a claim, you can do it by emailing: [email protected]
4.2. All claims should include your first name and last name, the address of the participant, account number and complete description of the issue.

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Bonus pour PAMM
The first 20 PAMM Managers who apply will be able to receive 30%, 50% or 100% deposit bonus! Don’t miss your chance - claim it now!

1. General terms
1.1. The promotion is valid from June 1, 2015
1.2. The Company-organizer is GrandCapital.
1.3. The Company reserves the rights to change the promotion conditions and refuse to receive bonus.
1.4. The Company reserves the rights to cancel bonus.

2. Participants
2.1 The first 20 clients of Company who deposit PAMM account during promotion, can take part in the promotion.
2.2. Only verified users can participate in the promotion. For verification, you should upload the scan of your passport to Private Office. You should also verify your mobile number. The organizer reserves the right to require additional documents for verification.
2.3. Types of accounts involved in the promotion: PAMM.
2.4. Your account’s leverage can’t exceed 1:100.
2.5. To get the bonus you should refill your PAMM account during the promotion. Bonus size depends on amount of deposit:
30% for deposit up to $500
50% for deposit from$500 up to $1000
100% for deposit from $1000 up to $5000
2.6. Internal transfers aren’t equal to deposit.
2.7. Maximum summary bonus can’t be more than $20 000.
2.8. The employees of the Company and their families can’t participate in the promotion.
2.9. the participant should read these terms and follow these rules. Ignorance of the rules isn’t reason for the claim.
2.10. Other promotions of the Company aren’t applied to the account participating in this promotion.
2.11. Bonus goes to the account after other bonuses are canceled.

3. Application for the bonus

3.1. To receive the bonus you should apply for participation in Private Office.
3.2. Bonus funds will be available to the withdrawal after uploading scan of passport or another identity document.

4. Getting bonus

4.1. Bonus goes to an account automatically in case of the compliance with conditions of the order.
4.2. In case of withdrawal the bonus size decreases to amount equal withdrawal sum.
4.3. Internal transfers, commissions and other similar operations are equal to withdrawal.
4.4. Bonus funds are credited for 6 calendar months.
4.4.1. The Company reserves the right to refuse to grant bonus funds with no explanations.
4.5. On the trading account with the bonus funds is prohibited to trade through an anonymous proxy server. If the account with the bonus funds will connect with more than 5 different IP-addresses then the bonus will be canceled.
4.6. In case of fraud or suspicion of using scheme “bonus-hunting” the Company reserves the right to deduct or cancel all bonus funds without notice. As a basis for the revision of the results can be a lack of trading activity on the account.
4.7. For getting bonus, bonus size can’t exceed the account balance.

5. Claims
5.1. Claims for the shares may be directed to e-mail: [email protected].
5.2. All the claims must include first and last name, address, account number and detailed description of the claim.

Prendre part
Until August 31, we will compensate the fee for the first 20 transactions on all CFD instruments.

1. General terms
1.1. The promotion is valid from June 1, 2015 to August 31, 2015.
1.2. The company-organizer is Grand Capital.
1.3. The company reserves the rights to change the promotional conditions.
1.4. The company reserves the rights to cancel bonus.
2. Participants
2.1. To participate you should register Private Office during promotions or early.
2.2. Types of account involved in promotion: Standard.
2.3. Instruments involved in promotion: CFD.
2.4. The participant gets full compensation of fee for the first 20 CFD transactions that is opened and closed during promotion.
3. Claims
3.1. Claims for the shares may be directed to e-mail: [email protected].
3.2. All the claims must include first and last name, address, account number and detailed description of the claim.

Prendre part
Bonus de Bienvenue pour options
Start trading Binary Options with Grand Capital today and receive our $50 no deposit welcome bonus!

Welcome Option
1. General terms
1.1. The promotion is valid indefinitely.
1.2. The company-organizer is Grand Capital.
1.3. The Company reserves the right to change the promotional conditions or refuse to receive a bonus.
1.4. The Company reserves the rights to cancel bonus.

2. The participants
2.1. To participate you should register Private Office during promotions or early.
2.2. Only verified users can participate in the promotion. For verification, you should upload the scan of your passport to Private Office. You should also verify your mobile number. The organizer reserves the right to require additional documents for identification.
2.3. Types of accounts involved in the promotion: Options.
2.4 Bonus is available for first 100 clients daily.
2.5.The participant should read these terms and follow it. Ignorance of rules isn’t reason for the claim.
2.6. Other promotions of the Company aren’t applied to the account participating in this promotion.

3. Application for the bonus and getting the bonus
3.1. To receive the bonus you should apply for the participation in Private Office.
3.2. Bonus goes to the account automatically in case of the compliance with conditions of this order. Bonus is issued once.
3.3. Bonus size is $50.
3.4. Bonus funds are credited for 6 months.
3.5. After this period bonus is deducted.
3.6. Funds on the account are divided into 2 parts – client’s own funds and bonus funds. The proportion between these parts will be used in further calculations and updates with every deposit or withdrawal.
3.7. Profit form bonus trading is distributed proportionally between client’s own funds and bonus funds.
3.8. In case of drawdown client’s own funds losses primarily.
3.9. While bonus works client can withdraw his own funds and profit from his own funds only, not a bonus or profit form bonus
3.10.If client declare off the bonus then bonus and profit from bonus are deducted.
3.11. Internal transfers, commission and other similar operations are equal to the withdrawal.
3.12. On the trading account with the bonus funds is prohibited to trade through an anonymous proxy server. If the account with the bonus funds will connect with more than 5 different IP-addresses then the bonus will be canceled.
3.13. Affiliate reward for the trading at bonus funds isn’t credited.

4. Transfer of a bonus to the property
4.1. For transfer the bonus to the property you must perform 40-fold of the amount of sum transferred to the property. For example, for transfer $10 to the property you should make a turnover in the amount of $400. The minimum amount of funds transferred to the property should be $ 15.
4.2. Commission for the first withdrawal is $10, internal transfer is equal to the withdrawal. Commission cannot be deducted from bonus funds.

5. Claims
5.1 Claims for the shares may be directed to e-mail: [email protected]
5.2 All the claims must include first and last name, address, account number and detailed description of the claim.

Christmas Sprint $5000
Contest “Sprint $5000” is: - The grand prize is $5000 - $2000 – 2nd place - $1000 – 3rd place - There are also 50 prizes worth $10 each reserved for participants who will take places from 4th to 53th. - All prize funds are available for withdrawal at any time with no hidden conditions applied.

Contest Terms and Conditions
1. General terms and conditions
1.1 Promotion “Sprint $5000” (hereinafter “The contest”) is held from 14th till 25st of December 2015.
1.2 The contest is organized by Grand Capital Ltd. (hereafter “The Company”)
1.3 Total prize fund is 8500USD.
1.4 Only real Standard accounts can be used to participate in the contest.
1.5 The minimum deposit amount required to participate is 100USD.

2. Participants
2.1 Both new and existing clients of Grand Capital Ltd. with real Standard accounts can participate in the contest.
2.2 Clients who have multiple accounts can only use a single account to participate in the contest.
2.3 Employees of Grand Capital Ltd. and their relatives cannot participate in the competition.
2.4 Clients who had previously claimed any bonus amount can also participate in the contest.
2.5 A participant must follow the Rules and read them carefully. The fact that the client doesn’t know the rules cannot be considered as a valid claim reason.

3. Participation in the contest
3.1 In order to participate, one has to open a Standard account or use one of the existing Standard accounts.
3.2 Personal data provided by the participant upon registration of a Standard account has to match the Documents uploaded in the Personal Cabinet, in accordance with the Regulation. If the data does not match, Grand Capital holds the right to disqualify the participant at any time.
3.3 To register go to the contest page located in your Private Office, create your contest username, choose the account you wish to use and confirm your participation.
3.4 After a successful contest registration procedure, participant’s client number is transferred to the company’s list of contest participants.
3.5 Contest registration is open during the whole period of contest duration – till 6 pm (GMT +3) 18.09.2015
3.6 You can follow the results in our online leaderboard.
3.7 If a client has a Personal Office, but does not have a Standard account, he/she can open a Standard account and register it in the contest.
3.8 If a client does not have a Personal Office with Grand Capital Ltd, he/she should register on the website. After that, access to Personal Office will be granted, where the client can open Standard account in order to participate in the contest.
3.9 It is forbidden to trade using same IP address for multiple Personal Offices, as well as using proxy servers for trading. If more that 5 (five) IP addresses (from different regions) will be used to log into and operate the same account, the account will be disqualified automatically.
3.10 The Company is obliged to ensure confidentiality of all the contest participants. Only contest usernames created by the participants upon contest registration will be published. The company reserves the right to use any information about winners (except the real names and account numbers) for advertising and marketing purposes in any media without the participants’ consent.

4. Dates of the contest
4.1. Contest duration is 2 weeks (10 working days).
4.2. The contest starts on 14.12.2015 at 00:01 AM (GMT +3). The contest ends on 25.12.2015 at 11:59 PM (GMT +3). The contest results will be available after 28st of December.

5. Contest account transactions
5.1. While performing any transaction participants must follow “The regulation of procession and effectuation of trading transactions” and affiliated documents.
5.2. Maximum leverage cannot be higher than 1:100.
5.3. Any assets can be traded in order to increase your rating (except shares of Russian and American companies: CFD STOCKS US, Russian STOCKS). Only closed trades at the moment of the contest expiration can be used to determine the final results. Open trades cannot be used for rating calculation.
5.4. There is no limit to the number of simultaneously open positions.
5.5. Maximum amount of open Lots is 25.
5.6. Multidirectional trading is prohibited.
5.7 If any malicious activity or actions that contradict with the terms and conditions of the contest or The Company’s regulations are detected, the participant associated with it will be disqualified.

6. The contest results
6.1 All the results of the contest will be published on the company’s website in an online rating (aka leaderboard) which updates every 2 hours. The results published on the website while the contest is still taking place cannot be considered final.
6.2 The three traders with the largest trading volume on the account will receive prized as follows:
$5000 – 1st place
$2000 – 2nd place
$1000 – 3rd place
There are also 50 prizes worth $10 each reserved for participants which would take places from 4th to 53th.
6.3 The prize funds can only be deposited to the real Standard account used to participate in the Contest. The trading volume on this account during its participation in the Contest should amount to no less than 1 (one) full lot.
6.4 Participants can withdraw prize funds at any time after they are deposited to the participant’s account
6.5 Final results of the contest will be determined in 3 (three) working days time upon the contest completion and will be published on the company’s website not later than 4 working days after the contest ends.
6.6 Prize funds will be deposited to the winners’ accounts in 4 (four) working days time after the final results are announced.
6.7 Prize funds are deposited according to the company’s exchange rate. If order to receive the prize funds the winner must request it through the Private Office.
In order to request the prize funds follow the instructions:
1.Go to your Private Office – Support – Create Ticket
In the title you should state:
Contest name, Contest dates, Your position in the rating.
2.In the Text field you will need to state:
Standard account number
Your Full name
For example:
Title: Contest “Sprint $5000”
1st place
Text: Account Standard №123123, Markus McKinsley
6.8 The winners are determined as following:
-To calculate the rating we use a Trade Volume, according to which the participants’ positions are calculated (the higher the volume, the higher participant’s position is).
-The Volume is calculated with the formula: V=N*(B+D/100), where
N – total number of Lots traded, B – account balance at the moment the contest starts, D – deposits made while the contest was going on.
Example: Participant’s Initial deposit was 200USD. During the round the following orders were opened: EURUSD – 1.6 Lots, USDCAD – 1.2 Lots. During the round the participant deposited additional $150 to the account. In this case, the final result will be calculated as following:
V=(1.6+1.2+2.1)*(200+150/100)=987,35 (the Volume will be shown in the rating)
6.9 If it is determined that the winner used fraud schemes to achieve the results, he/she will be disqualified and the prize funds will be given to the next participant in the rating.
6.10 The final results cannot and shall not be revised.

7. Claims
7.1 All claims, which arise during the contest regarding account transactions will be dealt with according to The regulation of procession and effectuation of trading transactions.
7.2 If the rating is boosted intentionally with abusing various system malfunctions or inaccuracy in the formulas or the Terms and conditions of the Contest, Grand Capital Ltd. has the right to issue a warning or disqualify the participant. Also, if any fraudulent behavior is detected, the Company has the right to disqualify such participant.
7.3 The disputes will be resolved based on common market practice.
7.4 All claims regarding the Contest can be sent to [email protected]
7.5 All the claims should contain the following information: Participant’s full name, Participant’s Residential Address, Account Number and Full description of the problem.

8. Force Majeure
8.1 The company can suspend or terminate the contest if a considerable amount of participants are put in unfair conditions compared to the remaining participants.
8.2 In the event of termination of the Contest, the company may resume it with the same participants (having saved their account at the time of suspension or restore the state of the accounts as it was at the beginning of the contest), or hold the registration again and the launch a new contest. Should such event occur, the company will notify the clients by announcement published on the website).
8.3 If the contest is not resumed and therefore, not completed, the results of the contest cannot be considered Final and cannot be a reason for awarding prizes.
8.4 The company holds the right to change the terms and conditions of the contest at any time.

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Bonus 200
200% bonus sur chaque dépôt
Probably the most generous offer out there! Receive up to 200% bonus with every deposit. —Bonus from 60% to 200% for every deposit; —For deposits over $100; —Standard and Swap Free accounts are eligible.

Terms of the offer "200% bonus"

1. General terms
1.1 The promotion runs from the 28th of September until the 30th of November 2020.
1.2 Grand Capital is the sole organizer of the promotion.
1.3 The organizer has the right to change the terms of the promotion, as well as the list and characteristics of the bonuses offered.
1.4 All promotion participants must carefully read the terms of the promotion and follow them. Ignorance of the promotion terms cannot serve as a valid reason when submitting a claim.
1.5 The organizer has the right to cancel the promotion at any time.

2. Participants
2.1 All clients of Grand Capital can take part in the promotion. That includes those who open a Grand Capital trading account during the term of the promotion.
2.2 Valid phone verification and submitted Identification Documents, as well as the confirmation of the residential address, are mandatory for the participation.
2.3 Types of the trading accounts that can take part in the promotion: Standard, Swap Free.
2.4 The leverage for the trading account that was chosen to participate in the promotion cannot exceed 1:100.
2.5 To receive a bonus, a client must deposit to their trading account during the term of the promotion. The client has the right to claim the bonus after each deposit. The bonus amount may be between 60% and 200% depending on the deposit amount, client’s account type and how long they have been trading with Grand Capital.
2.6 The term of the client’s trading in Grand Capital is calculated as the time difference between the registration of the Private Office and the date the request to claim the bonus is submitted. The deposit amount in USD is calculated according to the internal exchange rate of the Organizer at the moment the request to claim the bonus is submitted.
2.7 The bonus amount is calculated according to the following formula:

Account type

Basic bonus: +40%

Deposit amount

From $100 to $300 + 15%
From $300 to $500 + 25%
From $500 to $1,000 + 35 %
From $1,000 to $3,000 + 45 %
Over $3,000 + 60%

The term of trading with Grand Capital

—under half a year: +30%
—0.5–1.5 years: +40%
—1.5–2 years: +50%
—2–3 years: +70%
—over 3 years: +100%

2.8 The minimum deposit amount required to participate in the promotions is $100.
2.9 The maximum amount of the bonuses received cannot exceed 20 000 $
2.10 Employees of Grand Capital and their relatives cannot participate in the promotion.
2.11 Other Grand Capital promotions cannot be applied to the account participating in the “Individual bonus +200%” promotion.
2.12 If other bonuses/promotions have already been applied to the account that a client wishes to use to participate in the “Individual bonus +200%” promotion, the bonus can be granted only after all other promotions/bonuses had been deactivated. That only can be done after the client’s personal request and provided all the conditions of the promotion are met.
2.13 A bonus coefficient is set for the account participating in the promotion, according to the pp.2.7 (Bonus amount). The bonus coefficient is set at the time of the initial deposit.
2.14 For all consecutive deposits the bonus is granted automatically, in accordance with the account’s Bonus coefficient.
2.15 If the amounts of the consecutive deposits are larger than the initial deposit amount or at the moment of a consecutive deposit the client has reached a new level of the term of trading with the company, then the account’s Bonus coefficient is automatically recalculated upward, according to the pp 2.7 (Bonus amount).

3. Bonus request
3.1 To receive a bonus, a client must create a request in their Private Office or contact a personal manager.

5 Claiming the bonus

5.1 The request to claim the bonus is reviewed by the client support within 48 hours. The bonus is then granted to the client’s trading account.
5.2 The bonus funds are granted for 3 months only.
5.2.1. The company has the right to deny granting the bonus as well as deduct the bonus funds at any moment without providing reasons for such action.
5.3 The bonus will also be granted for all consequent deposits made before the end of the participation in the promotion. The bonuses will be granted in accordance with the pp 2.7.
5.4 It is forbidden to trade on the account associated with the promotion through an anonymous proxy server. If more than 5 (five) connections to the account from different IP addresses belonging to different regions are detected, the account can be disqualified and the bonus — annulled. If any concerns about the abuse of the promotion or a fraud arise, and/or falsification of the documents provided by the participant of the promotion is detected, the account can be disqualified and the client may be denied service. Insufficient trading activity on the account can also serve as a valid reason for the reconsideration of the result. For example, placement of a single large trade or several trades with a lower volume, that are placed approximately at the same time with similar prices, which is basically a split of a large trade into smaller trades. With an aim to prevent fraud and money laundering, the Company has the right to deduct the bonus funds or deny granting the bonus at any time without any prior notice.

6. Using the bonus funds
6.1 If a client makes a withdrawal before meeting the trading volume requirement (specified in Article 7.1), all bonus funds will be deducted from the account. Before the required trading volume is met, all funds on the trading account with a bonus present, including the profit, are divided into two parts: the client’s own funds and the company’s funds in accordance with the Personal funds coefficient.
6.2 Personal funds coefficient = Deposit / Deposit + Bonus.
6.3 If any suspicion of fraudulent activity concerning the bonus in a client’s trading strategy arises, the company has the right to correct the results of the trading activities. The part of the trading result, achieved by the involvement of the bonus funds in trading will be annulled.
6.4 Internal transfers, commission payouts, and other non-trading transactions equal deposit/withdrawal transactions.
7 Making the bonus funds withdrawable
7.1 With active trading the bonus funds gradually become the client’s property. For that, a client needs to place trades and for every closed 1 full Lot, a client can claim $3. The trading volume required to make all the bonus funds withdrawable is calculated according to the formula: Bonus amount / $3.
7.2 The withdrawal request is placed in no particular form via email or through the Personal Office upon the end of the bonus term or at the moment of the bonus cancellation.
7.3 The bonus funds cannot be claimed partially.
7.4 The following trading instruments are considered in the calculations: FOREX MAJORS, FOREX EXT 1, FOREX EXT.
7.5 The subject of the request must be: “Individual bonus +200%” – make the bonus withdrawable”, the trading account and the client’s full name.
8 Claims
8.1 All claims may be forwarded to [email protected].
8.2 All claims must contain a full name, the exact residential address, account number and a thorough description of the problem.

Demander le bonus
To the Moon
Get free SERENITY tokens for trading on ECN Prime and/or Standard account! - The promotion is valid through February 15th, 2018 - Place at least 3 trades (involving any cryptocurrency) on ECN Prime or at least 5 trades (involving any assets except Stocks CFD) on a Standard account. - SERENITY tokens can be used to pay for Serenity Financial platform services or sold on an exchange after the ICO ends. The nominal price of 1 token is 0.1 ETH.

"To the Moon Terms and Conditions"

1 General terms

1.1 Promotion period: 15th of December 2017 - 15th of February 2018

1.2 The contest is organized by Grand Capital Ltd. and Serenity Financial, hereinafter referred to as The Organizers.

1.3 The Organizers reserve the right to change the promotion rules at any time.

1.3 The Organizers reserve the right to cancel the promotion at any time

1.5 All the trades placed between the 15th of December 2017 and the 15th of February 2018 participate in the promotion

1.6 Types of trading accounts that are eligible to participate in the promotion are Standard account and ECN Prime account

2 Participants

2.1 All clients of Grand Capital are able to participate in the promotion, including those who open an account during the promotion

2.2 Employees of The Organizers and their relatives cannot participate in the promotion

2.3. Accounts with bonus funds can not participate in the promotion

2.4. Verification of the phone number, IDs, and residential address are required to participate in the promotion

2.5 Personal information provided upon registration of an account must be similar to that in the ID documents uploaded in the Private Office of the participant

2.6 The participant must thoroughly read and follow the promotion rules. Ignorance of the rules cannot serve as a valid argument when submitting a claim

3. The promotion

3.1 The promotion is valid only for Standard and ECN accounts with deposits of no less than $500 made between the 15th of December 2017 and February 15th, 2018.

3.2 In order to receive 1 SERENITY token, the participant must place at least 3 trades (involving any cryptocurrency) on ECN Prime account or at least 5 trades (involving any assets except Stock CFDs) on a Standard account

3.3 For ECN Prime account, the collective trade volume musn't be less than $10 000. To receive 1 token for trading on a Standard account, the collective trade volume musn't be less than 3 Lots.

3.4 Please mind that in order to receive a token you need to post a screenshot of any of the trades in your Twitter, Facebook or Vkontakte account with hashtags #tothemoon, #icoserenity, #grandcapital_bestecn.

3.5 If the amount of trades exceeds 3 trades on an ECN Prime account or 5 trades of a Standard account, one screenshot published in a social media account is sufficient.

3.6 So-called "reverse trading" on the account is strictly prohibited

3.7 Trading on an anonymous proxy server is prohibited. If more than 5 logins to the account from different IP addresses belonging to different regions and/or countries are detected, the participant will be disqualified. If any suspicion of abuse of the rules is detected, fraud or forged documents are found out, such participant will be denied service. The lack of trading activity in the account, including carrying out one major transaction or carrying out several smaller transaction at the same time and at similar prices, which is deemed the fragmentation of the major transaction into smaller ones, can be considered as a ground for reconsideration of the result. To prevent money laundering, Grand Capital reserves the right to deny token transfer without prior notice.

4 SERENITY tokens

4.1 Once all the conditions are met, email our tech support at [email protected] with a link to your social media post, your account number, and your Ethereum wallet number. If you don't know how to create an Ethereum wallet, follow these step-by-step instructions. Once your request is approved, the appropriate amount of tokens will be granted to your Ethereum wallet.

4.2 Please allow up to 5 working days for the tokens to be transferred

4.3 Number of tokens allocated for the Promotion is 2 000 (200ETH ~ $100 000).

5. Claims

5.1 All claims must be emailed at [email protected]

5.2 All claims must contain: first name, last name, participant's residential address and account number along with a thorough description of the problem

Prendre part
Впервые! Бездепозитный бонус в разы больше, чем предлагают другие брокеры.
- $100 на 30 календарных дней для настоящей торговли на рынке;
- не требуется стартовый депозит;
- выводимая прибыль .
Инструкция по получению бездепозитного бонуса $100

1. Общие положения
1.1 Акция действует бессрочно. Об окончании акции будет объявлено отдельно.
1.2 Организатором акции является компания Grand Capital.
1.3 Организатор оставляет за собой право изменить условия акции, а также перечень и характеристики бонусов.
1.4 Организатор может аннулировать акцию в любое время.

2. Участники
2.1 Участниками акции могут стать все клиенты компании, а также те, кто откроет счет в период проведения акции.
2.2 Участвовать в акции могут только верифицированные пользователи. Для верификации необходимо предоставить скан паспорта участника, загрузив его в Личном кабинете, а также верифицировать мобильный телефон участника. Организатор оставляет за собой право в требовании у участника акции дополнительных документов для идентификации личности и адреса его проживания.
2.3 Виды торговых счетов участвующих в акции: счет Welcome bonus $100 с торговыми условиями, аналогичными счету Standard.
2.4 На счете, участвующем в акции, кредитное плечо не может превышать 1:100.
2.5 В акции не могут участвовать сотрудники компании-организатора, их родственники.
2.6 Участник акции обязан руководствоваться данными правилами, которые должны быть им внимательно прочитаны. Незнание правил акции не может служить аргументом при подаче претензии.
2.7 На счет, участвующий в акции, не распространяются другие акции компании.
2.8 Участником акции может быть только физическое лицо.
2.9 Ввод, вывод и внутренний перевод на бонусном счете невозможны.
3. Оформление заявки на бонус
3.1 Для подключения бонуса необходимо в Личном кабинете подать заявку на участие в акции. На странице Акции и бонусы необходимо нажать кнопку "Получить бонус" и следовать инструкциям.

4. Получение бонуса
4.1 Бонус начисляется на счет автоматически при выполнении всех условий регламента.
4.2 Бонус выдается единоразово. Повторное получение бонуса невозможно.
4.3 Бонусные средства начисляются на счет сроком на 30 календарных дней.
4.4 По истечении данного срока бонус списывается, открытые позиции закрываются.
4.5 После списания 100 долларов бонусных средств на торговом счёте остаётся только полученная за 30 дней прибыль, и он преобразуется в реальный счёт типа "Standard" или "Micro".
4.5.1 Тип счета зависит от суммы профита.
4.5.2 Профит размером 100$ и более преобразует бонусный счёт в счет типа "Standard".
4.5.3 Профит размером менее 100$ преобразует бонусный счёт в счет типа "Micro".
4.6 Кредитное плечо на счете не может превышать 1:100.
4.7 Счет не может участвовать в сервисе инвестирования, т.е. становиться управляющим или инвестором.
4.8 Для активации реального счета необходимо в течение 30-и календарных дней произвести пополнение счета на сумму равную или большую полученного профита на бонусном счете, но не менее минимальной суммы необходимой для первого пополнения счета.
4.9 При отсутствии пополнения профит со счета списывается.
4.10 Профит, полученный на бонусном счете, доступен для вывода после совершения объема торговых операций на реальном счете из расчета 1 лот (100 лотов на счете типа Micro) на $3 профита.
4.10.1 В расчетах учитываются торговые инструменты типа FOREX MAJORS, FOREX EXT 1, FOREX EXT 2
4.11 Для перевода бонусных средств в собственность необходимо подать заявку. В сообщении укажите тему «$100 - бездепозитный бонус» – перевод бонуса в собственность», номер торгового счета, фамилию, имя, отчество. Заявка подается в свободной форме по электронной почте или через личный кабинет.
4.12 Частичный вывод профита невозможен.
4.13 Получение бонуса и/или торговля на бонусные средства на разных бонусных счетах с одного IP-адреса запрещена.
4.14 На торговом счете, на который зачислен бонус по настоящей акции, запрещается вести торговлю через анонимный прокси-сервер. При обнаружении более пяти подключений к счету с разных IP-адресов, принадлежащим к разным регионам России и/или других стран, счет может быть дисквалифицирован от начисленного бонуса. При возникновении любых подозрений в злоупотреблениях настоящей бонусной акцией, мошенничестве, а также при выявлении подлога или подделки предоставляемых документов участником акции, счет может быть дисквалифицирован от начисленного бонуса, а клиенту может быть отказано в обслуживании.
4.15 На бонусных средствах запрещена разнонаправленная торговля. Компания оставляет за собой право аннулировать бонус и часть прибыли, полученной в результате торговли из расчета пропорционального соотношения собственных средств клиента к профиту, полученному на бонусном счете, в случае нарушения данного пункта правил.
4.16 Партнерская комиссия за торговлю на бонусные $100 не начисляется.
4.17 Бонусные средства являются собственностью компании.
4.18 При торговле, в первую очередь, используются собственные средства клиента.
4.19 При выводе/внутреннем переводе средств со счета до совершения полного объема торговых операций, размер которых указан в п.4.10, полученная на бонусном счете прибыль списывается досрочно.

5. Претензии
5.1 Претензии по акции могут быть направлены на email: [email protected]
5.2 Все претензии по акции должны содержать: имя и фамилию, точный адрес участника, номер счета, а также подробное описание претензии.

Rassemblez l'équipe pour le Championnat
Gagnez Grand Capital Cup 2018, gagnez des points pour la performance de vos joueurs et échangez-les contre des prix! - La promotion est valable du 14 juin au 15 juillet. - Tous les clients enregistrés de Grand Capital peuvent participer à la promotion - Pour participer, choisissez les joueurs, créez le nom de votre équipe et inscrivez votre équipe pour la compétition.

Conditions générales:
1. Le promotion "Rassemblez l'équipe pour le Championnat" est organisée par la société Grand Capital.
2. La promotion est valide du 14 juin au 15 juillet 2018
3. Tout le monde peut prendre part à la promotion.
4. Pour participer, vous devez être un client de Grand Capital.
5. Un client peut créer une seule équipe pour la promotion.
6. Les équipes doivent être inscrites avant le 15 juillet 2018.
7. Toutes les équipes et les résultats sont disponibles dans le classement.
8. La société se réserve le droit d'annuler la promotion ou de refuser la participation sans fournir de raisons.
9. En détectant toute activité frauduleuse de la part d'un client, la société se réserve le droit de disqualifier ce client.
10. La société se réserve le droit de refuser la récompense à un client si des problèmes d'abus des règles ou de fraude surviennent.
11. La société a le droit de modifier les règles de promotion à tout moment.
Comment participer
1. Inscrivez-vous à Grand Capital
2. Configurez votre équipe. Choisissez un joueur de chaque catégorie. Choisissez un nom et un pays pour votre équipe.
3. Inscrivez votre équipe pour le championnat.
4. Suivez les résultats.
1. Des points sont accordés pour chaque action du joueur selon le tableau suivant:
2. Tous les points sont accordés et affichés dans la notation dans les 24 heures après la fin de chaque partie.
3. Le classement de chaque participant est affiché dans l'évaluation du concours
4. Si l'équipe est enregistrée après le début du championnat, le participant ne peut pas réclamer les points pour les parties terminées. Les points ne sont calculés qu'après l'enregistrement de l'équipe. Cependant, les participants peuvent réclamer des points pour les parties terminées. Pour ce faire, ils doivent effectuer un dépôt sur n'importe quel compte de trading de Grand Capital avec tout montant à partir de 100 $. Les points seront accordés lors du dépôt. Les points sont calculés comme la moyenne actuelle parmi tous les participants.


1. Toutes les équipes qui ont été enregistrées jusqu'au 25 juin, peuvent ajouter 4 nouveaux joueurs à leurs équipes avant 20 heures (UTC) le 28 juin.
2. À partir du 29 juin, vous pourrez effectuer des remplacements. Le nombre total de remplacements avant chaque étape est 4.
3. Vous pouvez remplacer tous les joueurs.
Les remplacements seront disponibles:
du 29 juin à 14h00 (UTC) le 30 juin;
du 4 juillet à 14h00 (UTC) le 6 juillet;
du 8 juillet à 18h00 (UTC) le 10 juillet;
du 12 juillet à 14h00 (UTC) le 14 juillet.
4. Les points gagnés par les joueurs que vous avez remplacés ne seront pas perdus.
5. Les points gagnés par les nouveaux joueurs seront attribués uniquement pour les jeux après le remplacement.
6. Les points pour les jeux précédents seront ajoutés selon l'article 4 des présentes règles.

1. Le fonds des prix est réparti entre les joueurs qui prennent les 1ère, 2ème et 3ème places en fonction du nombre de points attribués en fonction des résultats de la Coupe du Monde 2018.
2. Tous les clients de l'entreprise peuvent concourir pour les 1ère, 2ème et 3ème places.
3. Les participants qui prennent la 1ère, la 2ème ou la 3ème place recevront des prix pour la 1ère, 2ème et 3ème place même s'ils n'ont pas de compte réel avec Grand Capital
4. Si deux équipes ou plus ont le même nombre de points, le participant avec le dépôt le plus élevé sur leurs comptes sera choisi comme gagnant.
"1ère place
Une coupe, un sweat à capuche, un t-shirt et une tasse
2ème place
Une coupe, un t-shirt et une tasse
3ème place
Une coupe, un t-shirt"

Les gagnants seront annoncés dans les 24 heures suivant le dernier match de la Coupe du Monde 2018.

1. Les participants peuvent échanger leurs points contre les prix des catégories A, B et C

Catégorie A
Sweats à capuche - 85 points
T-shirts - 80 points

Catégorie B
Bonus de 1000 $* - 65 points
Bonus de 500 $* - 60 points
Tasse - 75 points

Catégorie C
Bonus de 200 $* - 40 points
Remise sur les robots commerciaux - 20 points

*Bonus funds trading terms

2. Les clients qui déposent au moins 500 $ sur leur compte de Grand Capital pendant la durée de la promotion, du 15 juin au 31 juillet 2018, pourront échanger leurs points contre des prix de n'importe quelle catégorie. Notez qu'un client ne peut choisir qu'un seul prix de la catégorie A et n'importe quel nombre de prix des catégories B et C.

3. Les clients qui déposent plus de 100 $ sur leur compte Grand Capital pendant la durée de la promotion, du 15 juin au 31 juillet 2018, pourront échanger leurs points contre des prix des catégories B ou C.

4. Les clients qui déposent moins de 100 $ sur leur compte Grand Capital pendant la durée de la promotion du 15 juin au 31 juillet 2018, ou qui ne déposent pas du tout, pourront échanger leurs points contre des prix de la catégorie C.

Comment échanger des points contre des prix
1. Tous les points accumulés peuvent être échangés contre des prix.
2. Les points peuvent être échangés contre des prix entre le 18 juillet et le 31 juillet.
3. Pour échanger vos points contre des prix, allez à la section "Prix" sur la page de promotion de notre site. Choisissez un prix et soumettez une demande.
4. Les demandes de réclamation des prix doivent être initiées au plus tard le 31 juillet 2018.

6.1 Toutes les réclamations concernant cette promotion peuvent être adressées à [email protected]
6.2 Toutes les réclamations doivent contenir: nom complet, adresse, numéro de compte, nom de l'équipe et description complète de la réclamation.

Demander des prix
Bonus de Bienvenue $25
Bonus $25
Bonus de Bienvenue de 25 $ - la meilleure façon de commencer le trading sur le Forex Idéal pour les débutants Tous les bénéfices provenant de la négociation des fonds du bonus sont librement retirables Peut être utilisé pendant six mois après avoir reçu le bonus

1 Conditions générales
1.1 La promotion commence le 12 octobre 2018. La fin de la promotion sera annoncée.
1.2 L’organisateur de la promotion est la société Grand Capital.
1.3 L'organisateur se réserve le droit de modifier les termes et conditions de la promotion, ainsi que la liste et les spécifications des bonus.
1.4 L'organisateur se réserve le droit d'annuler la promotion à tout moment.

2. Participants
2.1 Tous les nouveaux clients qui enregistrent sur le site Web de Grand Capital pendant la promotion sont éligibles pour la promotion.
2.2 Une vérification par téléphone est requise pour participer à la promotion. L'organisateur se réserve le droit de demander des documents supplémentaires à un participant pour s'authentifier.
2.3 Le compte «Micro» est éligible à la promotion.
2.4 L’effet de levier maximal disponible pour les comptes participants est de 1:100.
2.5 Il est interdit aux employés de l'organisateur et à leurs proches de prendre part à la promotion.
2.6 Avant de réclamer le bonus, tous les participants doivent lire les règles de la promotion. L’ignorance des règles ne peut servir d’excuse lors de la présentation d’une réclamation.
2.7 Un compte participant à la promotion ne peut pas être utilisé pour participer à d’autres promotions et bonus de la société.
2.8 Vous pouvez réclamer «Bonus de 25 $» pour un certain compte uniquement après l'annulation de tous les autres bonus et promotions. Cela peut être fait en soumettant une demande à condition que toutes les autres conditions de participation à la présente promotion soient remplies.
2.9 Seul un particulier peut participer à la promotion.
2.10 Les dépôts et les virements internes ne sont pas disponibles sur un compte bonus.

3 Demande de bonus
3.1 Pour réclamer le bonus, un client doit enregistrer un bureau privé et soumettre une demande de participation à la promotion. Cliquez sur le bouton ""Obtenir un bonus"" dans l'onglet Bonus de votre bureau privé.

4 Recevoir le bonus
4.1 Le bonus est transféré automatiquement après l'enregistrement et la vérification téléphonique
4.2 Le bonus n'est accordé qu'une fois. Réutilisant un bonus est impossible.

5 Réception du profit
5.1 Le bénéfice tiré de la négociation des fonds de bonus devient disponible pour le retrait lorsque le montant total des opérations de négociation est égal à au moins 250 microlots.
5.2 Les fonds de bonus sont transférés du compte juste après le premier retrait. Si un profit est laissé sur le compte, il sera également transféré.
5.3 Juste après le retrait du profit, votre compte Bonus devient un compte réel. Cela signifie que les opérations sur ce compte seront effectuées conformément au Règlement sur les opérations de négociation, tandis que tous les dépôts et tous les retraits seront conformes au Règlement sur les opérations non commerciales.
5.4 Le montant maximum pouvant être retiré du compte de bonus «Micro» est de 50$.
5.5 Le bonus est donné pour 6 mois.
5.6 Après cette période, les fonds de bonus et la commission sur votre premier retrait sont déduits de votre compte (voir 5.8).
5.7 La négociation via un serveur proxy anonyme est interdite sur un compte doté du «Bonus de 25$». Si le compte a été accédé depuis au moins 5 adresses IP différentes, les fonds de bonus et tous les bénéfices reçus seront déduits du compte. En cas de suspicion de quelque forme d’abus que ce soit dans la promotion ou la fraude, ou en cas de falsification des documents soumis par l’utilisateur, tous les bonus et tous les profits seront déduits et le client sera refusé.
5.8 La commission sur le premier retrait du compte bonus est de 25 $. La commission ne peut pas être déduite avec les fonds de bonus. Tous les retraits futurs seront traités conformément au Règlement sur le traitement et l'exécution des opérations non commerciales.
5.9 La commission partenaire n’est pas attribuée pour la négociation des fonds de bonus.

6 Réclamations
6.1 Toutes les réclamations doivent être adressées à [email protected]
6.2 Toutes les réclamations doivent contenir le nom complet, l'adresse résidentielle exacte, le numéro de compte et une description détaillée du problème.

Dépôts sans commission
Dépôts sans commission
Les systèmes de paiement que vous utilisez pour effectuer des dépôts sur votre compte de trading prélèvent des frais pour la conduite des opérations financières. En moyenne, ils représentent environ 2 à 10 % de la somme totale, ou plus. Grand Capital s'efforce toujours de créer de meilleures conditions commerciales pour ses clients. C'est pourquoi nous indemnisons la commission de tous les systèmes de paiement * et reversons la différence au compte de trading du client.

—Les dépôts de tout montant sont sans commission.
—Les dépôts sans commission sur tout compte de trading (Standard, Swap Free, Micro, ECN, Platform 5).
—La commission de tous les systèmes de paiement* est compensée.
—La compensation est créditée sur le compte de trading du client avec le dépôt.
—Le montant de la commission est calculé et transféré automatiquement.
—La promotion est valable indéfiniment.
—Les clients de n'importe quel pays peuvent participer à la promotion.

En savoir plus
Dépôts sans commission
Dépôts sans commission
Les systèmes de paiement que vous utilisez pour effectuer des dépôts sur votre compte de trading prélèvent des frais pour la conduite des opérations financières. En moyenne, ils représentent environ 2 à 10 % de la somme totale, ou plus. Grand Capital s'efforce toujours de créer de meilleures conditions commerciales pour ses clients. C'est pourquoi nous indemnisons la commission de tous les systèmes de paiement * et reversons la différence au compte de trading du client.

—Les dépôts de tout montant sont sans commission.
—La commission de tous les systèmes de paiement est compensée (sauf blockchain, virements bancaires et bancaires).
—La compensation est créditée sur le compte de trading du client avec le dépôt.
—Le montant de la commission est calculé et transféré automatiquement.
—La promotion est valable indéfiniment.
—Les clients de n'importe quel pays peuvent participer à la promotion.
—Des informations détaillées sur cette promotion sont disponibles dans le règlement NTO.

Faire un dépôt
Payback - un nouveau programme de fidélité de Grand Capital, dans lequel chaque client peut recevoir un bonus quotidien pour trading actif.

1. Ouvrir un compte Standard ou Swap Free.
2. Tradez tous les instruments sauf les actions CFD STOCK USA et les actions russes.
3. Tradez en continu pendant 6 jours en plaçant au moins un commerce par jour.
4. Plus votre période de trading continu est longue, plus votre récompense est grande.

En savoir plus
Nous vous remercions de votre confiance et on vous offre un service clientèle de qualité, ce qui rend le trading plus confortable Une fois que le solde total de vos comptes atteint 50.000 USD (ou l'équivalent dans une autre devise), vous obtenez automatiquement le statut de VIP-client * avec les meilleures conditions de négociation et un service prioritaire

—Il travaille pour vous autour de l'horloge et il répond à toutes vos questions
—Vos questions sont résolues de manière opérationnelle via la ligne VIP exclusive
—Vous obtenez une compensation pour charges lors du transfert de fonds
—Nos spécialistes expérimentés vous aideront à faire un portefeuille personnel d'investissement, en tenant compte de tous vos souhaits
—Il y a une possibilité de demander un paiement anticipé ne dépassant pas 10 000 $ pour 5 jours. Le payout ne peut pas dépasser 30 % du dépôt de fonds
—Tous les cours de formation et les conseils des analystes sont gratuits

En savoir plus
Le Père Noël sauve la mise!
Le Père Noël sauve la mise!
Le Père Noël est de retour avec de nombreux cadeaux pour nos chers clients. Participez à la promotion de Noël de Grand Capital et courez la chance de gagner des prix en argent jusqu'à 5000 $ jusqu'au 31 décembre

Terms of the contest

1. General terms and conditions

1.1 The “Good Santa” promotion (hereinafter “the contest”) is held from December 16th, 2020, 7:00AM (UTC) to December 31st, 2020, 7:00AM (UTC).

1.2 The contest is organized by Grand Capital Ltd. (hereafter “The Company”)

1.3 Total prize fund is $8,500.

1.4 Only real Standard accounts can be used to participate in the contest.

1.5 The minimum deposit amount required to participate is $200.

2. Participants

2.1 Both new and existing clients of Grand Capital Ltd. with real Standard accounts can participate in the contest.

2.2 Clients who have multiple accounts can only use a single account to participate in the contest.

2.3 Employees of Grand Capital Ltd. and their relatives cannot participate in the competition.

2.4 Clients who had previously claimed any bonus amount can also participate in the contest.

2.5 A participant must carefully read and follow the present rules. Ignorance of the rules cannot be considered as a valid claim reason.

3. Participation in the contest

3.1 In order to participate, one has to open a Standard account or use one of the existing Standard accounts.

3.2 Personal data provided by the participant upon registration of a Standard account has to match the Documents uploaded in the Personal Cabinet, in accordance with the Regulation. If the data does not match, Grand Capital holds the right to disqualify the participant at any time.

3.3 To register, go to the contest page at, enter a username, choose the account you wish to use and confirm your participation.

3.4 After a successful contest registration procedure, participant’s client number is transferred to the company’s list of contest participants.

3.5 The contest registration is open during the entire period of contest duration — until 7:00AM on December 31st, 2020.

3.6 You can follow the results in our online leaderboard.

3.7 If a client has a Personal Office, but does not have a Standard account, he/she can open a Standard account and register it in the contest.

3.8 If a client does not have a Personal Office with Grand Capital Ltd, he/she should register on the website. After that, access to Personal Office will be granted, where the client can open Standard account in order to participate in the contest.

3.9 It is forbidden to operate an account associated with the present promotion through an anonymous proxy server. If more than 5 (five) connections to the account from different IP addresses belonging to different regions are detected, the account will be disqualified.

3.10 The Company is obliged to protect the privacy of all the contest participants. Only usernames of the participants and their account IDs will be used in the leaderboard and in the final announcement of the results.

4. Duration of the contest

4.1. The contest will last 2 weeks (12 working days).

4.2. The contest starts on December 16th, 2020, at 7:00AM (UTC) and ends on December 31st, 2020, at 7:00AM (UTC). The results will be announced after December 31st.

5. Transactions on contest account

5.1. While performing any transaction participants must follow “The regulation of procession and effectuation of trading transactions” and affiliated documents.

5.2. Maximum leverage cannot be higher than 1:100.

5.3. Any assets can be traded in order to increase your rating (except shares of Russian and American companies: CFD STOCKS US, Russian STOCKS). Only closed trades at the moment of the contest expiration can be used to determine the final results. Open trades cannot be used for rating calculation.

5.4. There is no limit to the number of simultaneously open positions.

5.5. Maximum amount of open Lots is 25.

5.6. Multidirectional trading is prohibited.

5.7 If any malicious activity or actions that contradict with the terms and conditions of the contest or The Company’s regulations are detected, the participant associated with it will be disqualified.

6. The contest results

6.1 All the results of the contest will be published on the company’s website in an online rating (aka leaderboard) which updates every 2 hours. The results published on the website while the contest is still taking place cannot be considered final.

6.2 The three traders who earn the most points to their accounts will be proclaimed winners. Points are earned according to the following factors: your initial deposit, the number of lots traded during the run of the promotion in your contest account, as well as the amount of additional funds deposited into your contest account during the run of the promotion. The three winners will receive:

$5,000 – 1st place

$2,000 – 2nd place

$1,000 – 3rd place

There are also 50 prizes $10 each for participants who finish 4th to 53th.

6.3 The prize funds can only be deposited to the real Standard account used to participate in the Contest. The trading volume on this account during its participation in the Contest should amount to no less than 1 (one) full lot.

6.4 Participants can withdraw prize funds at any time after they are deposited to the participant’s account

6.5 Final results of the contest will be determined in 3 (three) working days time upon the contest completion and will be published on the company’s website not later than 4 working days after the contest ends.

6.6 Prize funds will be deposited to the winners’ accounts within two weeks time after the final results are announced.

6.7 Prize funds are deposited according to the company’s exchange rate. If order to receive the prize funds the winner must request it through the Private Office.

In order to request the prize funds follow the instructions:

1.Go to your Private Office – Support – Create Ticket

In the title you should state:

Contest name, Contest dates, Your position in the rating.

2.In the Text field you will need to state:

Standard account number

Your Full name

For example:

Title: Contest “Good Santa”

1st place

Text: Account Standard №123123, Markus McKinsley

6.8 The winners are determined as following:

-To calculate the rating we use a Trade Volume, according to which the participants’ positions are calculated (the higher the volume, the higher participant’s position is).

-The Volume is calculated with the formula: V=N*(B+D/100), where

N – total number of Lots traded, B – account balance at the moment the contest starts, D – deposits made while the contest was going on.

Example: Participant’s Initial deposit was 200USD. During the round the following orders were opened: EURUSD – 1.6 Lots, USDCAD – 1.2 Lots. During the round the participant deposited additional $150 to the account. In this case, the final result will be calculated as following:

V=(1.6+1.2+2.1)*(200+150/100)=987,35 (the Volume will be shown in the rating)

6.9 If it is determined that the winner used fraud schemes to achieve the results, he/she will be disqualified and the prize funds will be given to the next participant in the rating.

6.10 The final results cannot and shall not be revised.

7. Claims

7.1 All claims that arise during the contest regarding account transactions will be dealt with according to The regulation of procession and effectuation of trading transactions.

7.2 If the rating is boosted intentionally with abusing various system malfunctions or inaccuracy in the formulas or the Terms and conditions of the Contest, Grand Capital Ltd. has the right to issue a warning or disqualify the participant. Also, if any fraudulent behavior is detected, the Company has the right to disqualify such participant.

7.3 The disputes will be resolved based on common market practice.

7.4 All claims regarding the Contest can be sent to [email protected]

7.5 All the claims should contain the following information: Participant’s full name, Participant’s Residential Address, Account ID and Full description of the problem.

8. Force Majeure

8.1 The company can suspend or terminate the contest if a considerable amount of participants are put in unfair conditions compared to the remaining participants.

8.2 In the event of termination of the Contest, the company may resume it with the same participants (having saved their account at the time of suspension or restore the state of the accounts as it was at the beginning of the contest), or hold the registration again and the launch a new contest. Should such event occur, the company will notify the clients by announcement published on the website).

8.3 If the contest is not resumed and therefore, not completed, the results of the contest cannot be considered Final and cannot be a reason for awarding prizes.

8.4 The company holds the right to change the terms and conditions of the contest at any time.

Demander le bonus
Démo de trading avec un réel profit!
Démo de trading avec un réel profit!
Une nouvelle promotion exclusive aux mobiles sera disponible pour les utilisateurs de Grand Trade. Réclamez le profit du trading démo sur votre compte réel.

1 General terms.

1.1 The promotion is valid from February 19th, 2021 to March 20th, 2021.
1.2 The organizer of the promotion is Grand Capital.
1.3 The organizer retains the right to alter the terms of the promotion, as well as the list and specifics of the bonus.
1.4 The organizer retains the right to cancel the promotion at any time.

2. Participants

2.1 All clients with a Demo account in the mobile app Grand Trade can take part in the promotion.
2.2 Only verified users can take part in the promotion. In order to get verified, the client have to upload a scan of their ID in the Private Office, as well as verify their phone number. The organizer retains the right to ask for additional documents to confirm the client’s identity and place of residence.
2.3 Account types eligible for the promotion: Demo.
2.4 The highest allowed leverage in the participating account is 1:100.
2.5 Employees of the organizer and their relatives can not participate in the promotion.
2.6 All participants of the promotion must carefully read and follow the present rules. Ignorance of the terms can not be used as an excuse when submitting a claim.
2.7 Only individuals can take part in the promotion.

3 Terms of receiving the bonus

3.1 Participants must register in the mobile app Grand Trade, a Demo account with 1:100 leverage will be created automatically.
3.2 Participants place trades in a demo account with the purpose of making profit.
3.2.1 Only the profit received during the period not longer than two weeks starting from the first opened trade can be transferred into a real account.
3.3 Upon the end of the two-week period, the participant can submit a request to transfer the profit (if there is any) to their real account of a particular type. Transfer requests must be submitted via the client support. Write “100% profit bonus for demo trading” as the topic of your message to the client support, specify your account ID, and your full name. Request written in no particular form must be submitted via email or the support chat in the mobile app. The bonus is approved if all the participation conditions are met.
3.3.1 Depending on the profit amount, the bonus funds can be transferred to real accounts of different types.
3.3.2 Profit of at least $100 is transferred to a Standard account, while profits under $100 are transferred to a Micro account.
3.3.3 The real account to which the bonus is transferred to must not use leverage higher than 1:100.
3.4 The bonus funds equal to the profit generated in the demo account are transferred to a real account after the client makes a deposit of at least equal amount. If the deposit is less than the profit amount, the bonus funds will be transferred in the amount of the deposit.
3.5 The bonus will not be granted if the participant does not make a deposit into their real account.
3.6 The bonus transferred to a real account will become available for withdrawal after meeting the trading volume requirement: 1 lot (or 100 lots in a Micro account) per $5 of profit.
3.6.1 Only trades involving FOREX MAJORS, FOREX EXT 1, and FOREX EXT 2 are eligible for the trading volume requirement.
3.7 Profit can’t be withdrawn in part.
3.8 Claiming the bonus and/or trading with the bonus funds in different bonus accounts from one IP address is forbidden.
3.9 It is forbidden to operate an account associated with the present promotion through an anonymous proxy server. If more than 5 (five) connections to the account from different IP addresses belonging to different regions are detected, the account can be disqualified and the bonus annulled. If any concerns about the abuse of the promotion or a fraud arise, and/or falsification of the documents provided by the participant of the promotion is detected, the account can be disqualified and the client may be denied service.
3.10 Multidirectional trading is forbidden in the demo account. The company retains the right to annul all profit generated by trading in the demo account in case of violation of this article.
3.11 Bonus funds are the property of the company until they are transferred into the client’s ownership after the trading volume requirements are met.
3.12 The client’s personal funds are always used first when trading in a real account.
3.13 In case of a withdrawal or an internal transfer from the account before the trading volume requirement is met (according to the Article 3.6 of the present terms), the bonus funds are annulled prematurely.

6 Claims

6.1 All claims can be directed to [email protected].
6.2 All claims must contain the client’s full name, precise address, account ID and a thorough description of the problem.

Télécharger l'application
O bônus é válido de 7 de setembro até 31 de 2021 Tipo de conta: Padrão, e Swap free

1. Termos e Condições Gerais

1.1 O bônus é válido de 7 de setembro até 31 de 2021
1.2 A Grand Capital é o único organizador da promoção.
1.3 O organizador tem o direito de alterar os termos da promoção, bem como as características dos bónus oferecidos.
1.4 Todos os participantes da promoção devem ler atentamente os termos da promoção e segui-los. A ignorância dos termos da promoção não pode servir como uma razão válida ao apresentar uma reivindicação.
1.5 O organizador tem o direito de cancelar a promoção a qualquer momento.

2. Participantes
2.1 Todos os clientes da Grand Capital podem participar na promoção. Isso inclui aqueles que abrirem novas contas na Grand Capital durante o prazo da promoção.
2.2 A verificação válida por telefone e os documentos de identificação enviados bem como a confirmação do endereço residencial são obrigatórios para a participação.
2.3 Tipos de contas comerciais que podem participar na promoção: Standard, Swap Free.
2.4 A alavancagem da conta de negociação escolhida para participar da promoção não pode exceder 1:100.
2.5 Para receber um bônus, o cliente deve depositar em sua conta de negociação durante o prazo da promoção. O cliente tem o direito de solicitar o bônus após cada depósito. O valor do bônus pode ser entre 60% e 200%, dependendo do valor do depósito, do tipo de conta e quanto tempo o cliente têm negociado com a Grand Capital.
2.6 O prazo de negociação do cliente na Grand Capital é calculado a partir do registo na Grand Capital até a data em que é apresentado o pedido para solicitar o bónus. O valor do depósito em USD é calculado de acordo com a taxa de câmbio interna do organizador no momento em que a solicitação do bônus é enviada.
2.7 O valor do bónus é calculado de acordo com a seguinte fórmula:

Tipo de conta
Bônus básico: +40%.

Valor do depósito
De $ 100 a $ 300 + 15%
De $ 300 a $ 500 + 25%
De $ 500 a $ 1000 + 35%
De $ 1000 a $ 3000 + 45%
Mais de $ 3000 + 60%

O prazo de negociação com a Grand Capital
-com menos de meio ano: +30%
-0,5-1,5 anos: +40%
-1,5-2 anos: +50%
-2-3 anos: +70%
- superior a 3 anos: +100%

2.8 O valor mínimo exigido para participar das promoções é de $ 100.
2.9 O montante máximo dos bónus recebidos não pode exceder 20 000 $
2.10 Os funcionários da Grand Capital e seus familiares não podem participar da promoção.
2.11 Outras promoções da Grand Capital não podem ser aplicadas à conta que participa da promoção "Bónus Individual + 200%".
2.12 Se outros bónus / promoções já foram aplicados à conta que um cliente deseja utilizar para participar na promoção "Bónus Individual + 200%", o bónus só pode ser concedido depois de todas as outras promoções / bónus terem sido desactivadas. Isso só pode ser feito após o pedido pessoal do cliente e desde que todas as condições da promoção sejam atendidas.
2.13 Um coeficiente de bônus é estabelecido para a conta participante da promoção, de acordo com a pp.2.7 (Valor do bônus). O coeficiente de bônus é definido no momento do depósito inicial.
2.14 Para todos os depósitos consecutivos, o bônus é concedido automaticamente, de acordo com o coeficiente de Bônus da conta.
2.15 Se os montantes dos depósitos consecutivos forem maiores do que o valor do depósito inicial ou no momento de um depósito consecutivo, o cliente atingiu um novo nível de prazo de negociação com a empresa, o coeficiente de Bônus da conta é automaticamente recalculado para cima, de acordo com Para o pp 2,7 (Bonus amount).

3. Pedido de bônus
3.1 Para receber um bônus, um cliente deve criar um pedido em seu escritório privado ou entrar em contato com um gerente pessoal.

4. Cancelar o bônus
4.1 O cliente tem o direito de cancelar o bónus a qualquer momento. Neste caso, os fundos de bônus e a parte do lucro recebido pela negociação dos fundos de bônus são deduzidos de sua conta. Os fundos restantes do cliente ficam livres para retirada.

5 Reivindicação do bônus
5.1 A solicitação do bônus é revisada pelo suporte dentro de 48 horas. O bônus é então concedido à conta de negociação do cliente.
5.2 Os fundos de bónus são concedidos por apenas 3 meses.
5.2.1. A empresa tem o direito de negar a concessão do bônus, bem como deduzir os fundos de bônus a qualquer momento sem fornecer razões para tal ação.
5.3 O bônus também será concedido para todos os depósitos conseqüentes efetuados antes do término da participação na promoção. Os bônus serão concedidos de acordo com as pp 2.7.
5.4 É proibido negociar na conta associada à promoção através de um servidor proxy anônimo. Se mais de 5 (cinco) conexões com a conta de diferentes endereços IP pertencentes a regiões diferentes forem detectadas, a conta pode ser desqualificada e o bônus - anulado. Se surgirem preocupações sobre o abuso da promoção ou a ocorrência de fraude e / ou falsificação dos documentos fornecidos pelo participante da promoção, a conta poderá ser desclassificada e o cliente poderá ser recusado. Uma atividade de negociação insuficiente na conta também pode servir como uma razão válida para a reconsideração do resultado. Por exemplo, uma única ordem muito grande ou várias várias ordens com volume muito pequeno que são colocados aproximadamente ao mesmo tempo com preços semelhantes, que é basicamente uma divisão de um grande ordem em pequenas ordens. Com o objetivo de prevenir a fraude e o branqueamento de capitais, a companhia tem o direito de deduzir os fundos de bônus ou negar a concessão do bônus a qualquer momento sem qualquer aviso prévio.

6. Usando fundos de bônus
6.1 Se um cliente fizer um saque antes de cumprir o requisito de volume de negociação (especificado no Artigo 7.1), todos os fundos de bônus serão deduzidos da conta. Antes de o volume de negociação requerido ser atingido, todos os fundos da conta de negociação com um bónus presente, incluindo o lucro, são divididos em duas partes: os fundos próprios do cliente e os fundos da empresa de acordo com o coeficiente de fundos pessoais.
6.2 Coeficiente de fundos pessoais = Depósito / Depósito + Bônus.
6.3 Se surgir qualquer suspeita de actividade fraudulenta relacionada com o bónus na estratégia de negociação de um cliente, a empresa tem o direito de corrigir os resultados das actividades de negociação. A parte do resultado de negociação alcançada pelo envolvimento dos fundos de bônus na negociação será anulada.
6.4 As transferências internas, pagamentos de comissões e outras transacções não comerciais equivalem a transacções de depósito / retirada.

7 Retirar os fundos de bônus
7.1 Com a negociação ativa, os fundos de bônus se tornam gradualmente propriedade do cliente. Para isso, um cliente precisa execuatr ordens e para cada 1 Lote cheio fechado o cliente pode reivindicar $ 3. O volume de negociação necessário para tornar todos os fundos de bônus extraíveis é calculado de acordo com a fórmula: Valor de bônus / $ 3.
7.2 O pedido de retirada não é colocado em nenhuma forma particular via e-mail ou através do Escritório Pessoal no final do prazo do bônus ou no momento do cancelamento do bônus.
7.3 Os fundos de bônus não podem ser reivindicados parcialmente.
7.4 Os seguintes instrumentos de negociação são considerados nos cálculos: FOREX MAJORS, FOREX EXT 1, FOREX EXT.
7.5 O objecto do pedido deve ser: "Bónus da independência + 200%" - tornar o bónus extraível ", o ID da conta comercial e o nome completo do cliente.

8 Reclamações
8.1 Todas as reivindicações podem ser encaminhadas para [email protected].
8.2 Todas as reivindicações devem conter um nome completo, o endereço residencial exato, o número da conta e uma descrição completa do problema.

Receber o bónus
Bonus sans dépôt de 40$
Bonus sans dépôt de 40$
Aucun bonus de dépôt pour le compte micro. Tradez librement et retirez vos bénéfices après 30 jours.

Conditions de Bonus $40

1. Conditions générales
1.1. La promotion est valable indéfiniment.
1.2 La société-organisatrice est Grand Capital.
1.3 La Société se réserve le droit de modifier les conditions ou de refuser d’accorder un bonus à tout moment.
1.4 La Société se réserve le droit d’annuler la promotion à tout moment.

2. Participants
2.1 Tous les clients de Grand Capital peuvent participer à la promotion. Cela inclut ceux qui ouvrent un compte Grand Capital pendant la durée de la promotion.
2.2 Seuls les utilisateurs vérifiés peuvent participer à la promotion. Pour la vérification, vous devez télécharger le scan de votre document d'identité, passeport ou permis de conduire sur votre Bureau Privé. L’organisateur se réserve le droit d’exiger des documents supplémentaires pour l’identification.
2.3 Types de comptes impliqués dans la promotion: Micro compte.
2.4 L’effet de levier de votre compte ne peut pas dépasser 1:500.
2.5 Les employés de la Société et leurs familles ne peuvent pas participer à la promotion.
2.6 Le participant doit lire les termes attentivement et suivre ces règles. L’ignorance des conditions ne peut pas servir d’argument valable lors de la soumission d’une réclamation.
2.7 D’autres promotions de la Société ne peuvent pas être appliquées au compte participant à cette promotion sans dépôt.
2.8 Seul un particulier peut participer à la promotion.
2.9 Le retrait du compte participant à la promotion avant de remplir toutes les conditions de retrait n'est pas possible. Dans le cas de la création d'une demande de retrait avant de remplir toutes les conditions de retrait, les fonds bonus et tous les bénéfices réalisés lors de son utilisation seront déduits du compte.
Les demandes de virements internes à partir du compte participant à la promotion sont considérées comme des demandes de retrait.

3. Comment recevoir le bonus?
3.1 Pour recevoir le bonus, créez un compte Micro. Ensuite, vous devez soumettre une demande au bureau privé en envoyant un ticket au SUPPORT. L’objet de la demande doit être : « 40 $ - bonus sans dépôt »
Spécifiez le numéro de compte pour les fonds de bonus dans votre demande et envoyez la.

4. Obtenir le bonus
4.1 Le bonus est accordé après l’envoi de votre billet et toutes les conditions requises sont remplies. Le transfert des fonds bonus peut prendre jusqu'à 24 heures.
4.2 Le bonus ne peut être réclamé qu’une fois par chaque client. Le bonus ne peut pas être accordé deux fois.
4.3 Les fonds bonus sont crédités pendant 30 jours.
4.4 Une fois la période de 30 jours terminée, les fonds bonus sont déduits.
4.5 Une fois les fonds bonus déduits, seul le bénéfice reçu reste sur le compte.
4. 6 Le Compte ne peut pas participer dans le service de copy-trading, c’est-à-dire pour devenir gestionnaire ou investisseur.
4. 7 Vous devez doubler le solde du compte. Pour le moment de la fin du temps de bonus (30 jours), le solde du compte doit être d'au moins 80$.
4. 8 Le profit reçu du trading avec le bonus de 40 $ n’est disponible pour le retrait qu’après avoir terminé un certain nombre d’opérations de trading sur le compte réel réapprovisionné: vous devez trader 5 lots standard (500 lots sur le type de compte Micro), devez ouvrir 5 positions minimum de 5 minutes minimum pour chaque transaction.
4. 9 Les calculs prennent en compte le type d’outils de trading FOREX MAJORS,
4. 10 Le montant minimum de retrait du compte participant à la promotion est de 40$.
4.11 Afin de réclamer les profits du bonus, le client doit soumettre une demande. L’objet de la demande doit être : « Profit 40 $ - bonus sans dépôt ». La demande est soumise par e-mail ou dans le bureau privé du client au niveau du support client. Un numéro de compte de trading doit être spécifié dans la demande.
4.12 Le retrait partiel du bénéfice est impossible.
4.13 Il est interdit d’obtenir des bonus et/ou de négocier des fonds bonus sur DEUX COMPTES OU PLUS avec la même adresse IP.
4.14 Le trading via un serveur proxy anonyme sur le compte bonus est interdit. Si plus de 5 (cinq) connexions provenant d’adresses IP différentes appartenant à différentes régions sont détectées, le bonus sera annulé. Si un soupçon d’activité frauduleuse survient et/ou si une falsification des documents du client est détectée, le compte du client peut être disqualifié et le client peut se voir refuser le service.
4.15 Le trading multidirectionnel est interdit dans le compte bonus. En cas de violation de ce terme, la Société peut annuler le bonus et une partie du profit réalisé à la suite de la transaction sur la base du rapport proportionnel des fonds propres au bénéfice du client obtenu sur le compte bonus.
4.16 La commission d’affiliation n’est pas accordée aux clients négociants le bonus de 40 $.
4.17 Les fonds de bonus sont la propriété de la Société.
4.18 Principalement les fonds propres du client sont utilisés dans la négociation.
4.19 Si une demande de retrait/transfert interne de fonds du compte sont effectués avant de terminer le volume de trading complet spécifié, le profit du bonus est déduit du compte.

5. Réclamations
5.1 Toutes les réclamations peuvent être envoyées à l’adresse e-mail:
mailto:[email protected]
5.2 Toutes les réclamations doivent inclure le nom et l’adresse du participant, le numéro de compte et une description détaillée du problème.

Obtenir la bonus
Free month of golden status payback!
Free month of golden status payback!
Grand Capital is celebrating its 16th anniversary and gifts all of our traders a month of golden status payback, which is usually achieved by trading for 31+ consecutive days. By using this festive offer, you will receive a payback of 1.5USD for each lot you trade! The remuneration of the payback occurs on a daily basis. Payback is deposited into the same account which was used for trading. The promotion will last from October 10 to November 10. Happy trading with Grand Capital!

General terms
1.1 The promotion is valid indefinitely. It will be publicly announced when the promotion is completed.
1.2 The sole organizer of the promotion is Grand Capital, Ltd.
1.3 The organizer holds the right to change the conditions and payback amounts at any time.
1.4 The organizer holds the right to cancel the promotion at any time.
1.5 The Payback service is part of the Company's bonus program. The Company has the right at any time to refuse partial or full payment of funds within the service without explanation, and also partially or fully deduct funds already accrued under the terms of service from the Client’s trading account.

Participation procedure
2.1 All clients who place trades using a real Standard account can participate in the promotion.
2.2 If a client has more than one Standard account then the payback will be calculated separately for each of the accounts.
2.3 Participation in other Grand Capital promotions does not restrict participation in Payback program anyway.
2.4 Only verified accounts can participate in the promotion. In order to verify an account, the account holder must provide his/her national identity document scan by uploading it in the “Documents” section in the Private Office. Personal mobile phone number must also be verified. The organizer can request additional documents to identify client’s identity and residential address.
2.5 Grand Capital employees and their relatives cannot participate in the promotion.
2.6 Only individuals can participate in the promotion
2.7 All participants must read the rules carefully. Ignorance of the rules cannot be used to support a complaint.

Payback procedure
3.1 All active real Standard accounts are automatically eligible for Payback loyalty program. No additional registration is required.
3.2 Payback is calculated only starting from the next day following 5 consecutive days of active trading. Active trading day is a day when a trade was open or closed. The trade should be at least 5 minutes long.
3.3 Continuous trading means placing trading operations on a daily basis day: at least one trading operation a day. All orders must remain in the market for at least 5 minutes.
3.4 Depending on the number of consecutive trading days, a client will be given one of the following statuses:
Newbie — 5 or less consecutive days
Bronze — from 6 to 15 consecutive days
Silver — from 16 to 30 consecutive days
Gold — over 31 consecutive days

4. The following formula is used to calculate the amount of consecutive trading days:
If trading activities are carried out 2 or more working days in a row, the day meter adds 1 credit for every consecutive trading day.
When no trading activity is carried out in a working day, the day meter value is reduced by 1.
Day meter value cannot be less than 0.

5. Payback is deposited on a daily basis and is calculated as follows:
Newbie — 0
Bronze –$0.5 for 1 lot
Silver – $1 for 1 lot
Gold –$1.5 for 1 lot

Trade turnover calculations include positions opened on instruments of FOREX MAJORS, FOREXT EXT 1, FOREXT EXT 2, FOREX METALS groups.
Payback is deposited into the account which was used for trading.

7.1 Payback is deposited on a daily basis – all statistics is available in the client’s Private Office.
Payback funds are available for withdrawal and internal transfers right after they have been deposited to the client’s account.
If it is determined that a client is abusing the terms and conditions, the company holds the right to discontinue payback deposition, as well as withdraw the payback funds that had been previously deposited to the account. If the amount of funds to be withdrawn exceeds the account’s balance, the company can withdraw the needed amount from other client’s accounts.
The company holds the right to change the payback amounts according to the changing market conditions and make changes for the Payback program terms and conditions.

11.1 All claims can be submitted to [email protected].
11.2 All claims must include: name and last name, client’s residential address, an account number and full description of the issue.

Claim bonus

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